In the aftermath of the Woolsey fire, Eric reached out to his friend and neighbor, Jimy Tallal who writes for the the Malibu Times. Jimy and her husband Scott had also lost their home. She interviewed all of the participants and was able to obtain their first-person accounts of the fire and its aftermath.
Click on the images below to read their stories:

Lita Albuquerque

Bill and Leslie Bixler

Elias Davis and Gail Block

Smith Family

Mark Brown and Kay Lenz

Buckley Family

Hahn-Busch Family

Carr-Stabineau Family

Dennis Duran

Kate and Edward Franey

Kay and Bryan Gabbard

Richard and Linda Gibbs

Graulich - DePerno Family

Hartley-Hamel Family

George and Margaret Hauptman

Walter and Carolyn Hoefer

Robert Huizenga

Judy and Robert Hutchinson

Melissa Ireland and Mark Olsen

Jennings Family

Lefevre Family

Michelle and Phillipe Lefevre

Meyers Family

Murphy Family

Randy Nauert

Lisa and Lois Nugent

Jackie Peterson

Brian and Jennifer Pietro

George and Sue Poptsis

Krawczyk Family

Mary Pritchett

Richard Reynolds and Michela Anderson

Ali and Gary Richardson

Paul and Rebecca Spiegel

Stutsman Family

Swindal Family

Vince and Rain Tuomey

Andrew von Oeyen

Jefferson "Zuma Jay" Wagner

Witt Family
All images © Eric Myer Photography